The Forestry Commission aim to re-open the toilet block and campsite in spring 2015 when it is proposed more regulated charging begins for the campsite and car park.
Pay and Display
The Forestry Commission will be installing a pay and display machine in the spring of 2015 to generate an income to sustain the toilet facilities at Harrison’s Rocks / Birchden Woods car park. However charging will not begin until the improvements to the facilities are complete. The Forestry Commission also hope to offer an annual pass which will offer a saving for regular users.
The idea of a mobile phone wireless payment has been ruled out due to the poor signal in the area. The Forestry Commission are now considering the possibility of allowing the proposed pay and display machine to take card payments and are waiting to hear from BT regarding the cost to install a landline.
Fees are being discussed and are to be confirmed at a later date.
Access Road Works and Closure
The Forestry Commission are to resurface the access road into Birchden Wood / Harrison’s Rocks car park. It is estimated the work will require the access road to be closed for a week during early spring 2015.
Meanwhile some preparatory work along the access road will be carried out in January and the access road will be closed on 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th of January 2015 to cut back and remove some trees. The access road will be closed on these days between 9am and 3pm. Signage will be put up in advance.
You can also check the Birchden Wood web page for updates