Harrison's Rocks Woodland Management Year 5, Compartment E:
The area between Long Layback and Pig Tail at Harrison's Rocks is being cut this November and help is need to clear up afterwards and help with maintenance work.
Volunteers are needed for Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th November 2016.
Work will include:
- Clearance work of cut wood
- Revetment work
- Maintaining footpaths
- Cutting of saplings
- Work on the crag itself - clearing saplings and re-establishing climbs that have become overgrown.
Work is to start at 9.30am on both days, until dusk.
Volunteering is a great way to contribute to the climbing community, to help maintain the most popular climbing crag in the South East.
If you would like to volunteer, please let Graham know which day(s) you can attend. Email: adcock@clara.net
If you have any equipment that could help like bow-saws or pruners, then please bring them along.
Also don't forget your wellies/boots and warm old clothing, and a packed lunch!