Early birds can meet at 09:30 in the car park for a briefing, to then head to the crag for 10:00. Anyone coming later can just head to the crag and join us.
Ensure you speak to Tim Skinner or Adrian Paisey (BMC Volunteers) before starting work so you can be briefed.
Work will consist of trail building, cutting back specific trees and moving those that have been recently felled, which will be used to help build paths, revetments and fences. Some drainage work will also be done to help keep the crags dry. Litter picking and general clearance work will also be done.
BYOT (Bring Your Own Tools)
Please bring your own equipment, such as gloves, bowsaws, secateurs, small saws, spades and forks (anything you would normally use in your garden). If you don't have any tools, don't worry, your hands are still needed! (Gardening gloves are essential, though). Ensure to wear some boots and clothing you dont mind getting dirty or potentially spoilt and can keep you dry in case it rains. Also, ensure you bring food as it's hungry and thirsty work!
Works finishes at 16:00 each day.
Harrison's is a BMC-owned crag for the climbing community to enjoy. It's run by a small group of dedicated volunteers known as the Harrison's Rocks Management Group, and the crag's upkeep would not be possible without you. So, if you are a Harrison's Rock climber, come on down and help out. We look forward to seeing you there!